Lean Agile Coffee

Welcome to Lean Agile Coffee, a site dedicated to sharing knowledge and information on a variety of topics.

Our goal is to spread knowledge and experience in primarily Sweden and the Nordic countries in our areas. We do this through the methodology called Lean Coffee, which is a methodology where we democratically decide what the day's discussion points in the subject should be, everyone has an equal voice regardless of whether we are experienced in the subject or just starting our journey.

Participation is always completely free and you do not commit to anything other than contributing your own knowledge and experience.

Please read more about the Lean Coffee methodology and our rules here at Lean Agile Coffee and look under Areas in the menu to find the areas that interest you and sign up today for our next gathering.

If you would like to know more about Lean Agile Coffee or perhaps you have a topic that you are passionate about and would like to facilitate meetings for, don't hesitate to contact us.

Paul Persson
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